September 2014 – July 2015: “Les Magiciens Sans Terre: Art between Identity Politics and Identity Aesthetics” supported by the Mondriaan Fonds, The Netherlands
January – June 2013: “As We Dream in Images...” supported by the Mondriaan Fonds, The Netherlands
October 2011 – March 2012:“Unpinning the Butterflies: On Curating and Anthropology” supported by Fonds BKVB,The Netherlands
September 2007 – April 2008: research for the exhibition “Unfinished Monument,” PSWAR Amsterdam, Kiasma Museum Helsinki
January – August 2003: anthropological field research of the Wallachian culture in Eastern Serbia
August 2000: anthropological field research at Peshter Plateau (the border between Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo)
May 1998: anthropological field research at Stara Planina (the border between Serbia and Bulgaria)